The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)

IN MEMORIAM 26. gone from her home. how tif Caroline FiasTora, expose het wire gentle and She beautiful throne Prepared for more the rail das And the misa: (run her: More Friends may think the wound and Boated Rut thee 1stito 1 knole: tho within: LOVING AND Lost. FOUND STOLEN Inst and and Coot Sts. Reward.

Charles Ph. Avon Lakes 0. 0 10 Meturn Shear post call 43. 2 Keepsake Reward. bushand overseas.

Phone. LOST with Mexican gold bracelet. Page 12 with LOST. vale ic hody here frunk; painted Elerin. ereen, Finder PERSONALS, BUSINESS NOTICES I You From Arthritis THY OUR.

frets pain bar bad Kord swollen for battle. 13.13 11. You Sutt-lins From PROSTATE. GLAND Try our. J.

shundant lite. Herb. Compound, Send: LocAL 3003 W. liver 5t. 20-972 After Floria.

SPENCER Supports for women and Suppites for ropairs, Elyria Block Phone baseless foundation arment. for alt. tpcs of Water st. M. C.

7114 STILES Phone "GOOD TUISGS TO. EAT POTATOES In 15. 50 100 Lb. Paper Bags For Your Convenience H. C.

BARTTER SONS nille Columbia Comet on theirse Orchard Lake Ava. 1'h PILES Cuter HARD Cider to sell by barrel. Very Personable Phone PEACHES Late Crawfords Banner Wilmas DELLEFIELD. ORCHARD 312 Mi. N.

W. Of Elyria CANNING Tomatoes. 1'le own. bring container. f*ck Chickens.

for 31. miles 0 gond. fruits SPECIAL NOTICES ALARM CLOCKS REPAIRED ANY Make, day Service. Vie 19 East. OF MUSIC HOMAN.

Studio at Beginners. Wagner' Sturic itouse and Harmony Phone a part Out Of. Business: O. TOBEE 141 -Kindly call At For Any True i1 For. Repair J.


1 BIK PHONY 214: MONEY TO LOAN I PERSONAL) SALARY LOANS HERE'S ALL IOU DO TO GET $30 TO $1000 Toget cash quickly, phone House. hold for a salary, car or furniture loan. Wecan then have the money ready when you come in See table for loans and payment plans. Cash Choose a menthly payment plan 6 8.85 9 24 6.43 5.03 83 60 7.65 35.38 18.18 10.07 52.89 154 31.50 40 1000 89 119 10 1 91 Payments include charges ac House hold's vale of jeT month on that part of a balance not eaceeding 256 per on that port of a balance in excess of but nut cacieding and per month on any remainder. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE The Century Bidg.

2nd Fl. Room 31 385 Broad, Over Wpoiworth's. Elyria J. J. Boreste.


Specialize in and Businer8 P': We. Finance Salem Elrria Sav. Bile Phone BUSINESS Wanted. 10 $10.000 in A Principals rite Box 293. Chromele-Tel.

FEMALE UELP WASTER SALESLADY wanted for full time work. Apply Fay Co. YOUNG lady for Keneral of nice work: temporary and full time in weeks. Apply St. AllAmerican 516 2nd MONEY MADE SELLING CHRISTMAS CARDS Smartest designs--delightful bring you quick cash.

"Prize" 21- Christmas Card Box gets urders 4p LO 100 profi. Otber GIft Wraps, Everydars, CHILTON GREET INGS 147 Pept, 661, Boston. WANTED Lady 10. do general housework fo filmily. Write Box PANTED Lady for general offsp 182 W.

904 St FEMALE HELP WASTED WE NEED HELP! Trained Toll Operators Of Trainees Ages 21 Ta 35 Exceptional, One hours. working Concondition and permanent jobs. Call' In -Person For Interview 9:30 To 11:00 M. 1:00 to 2:30 P. M.

THE ELYRIA TELEPHONE CO. modern middle axed Mrs. Phone Rereil rite wanted. Gond Must Apply miner P'h. Bookkeeper AND Stenographer therevelly experienced in erai portunity of for right work, Excellent Stale at ind information letter.

Write Box 482" CHRONICLE TELEGRAM HISS: anted: 30 yearn 1 11. Middle MANI: SONE Cards Show our brilliant light" Assortment. solls fut 1 make dr isr! cit (t pRy ,.011 TO. 100 Amazing Write 30 East Ada ma, Dept; Chicago. 1.

111. bonk kerper. Stale In letter: Write WANTED EXPERIENCED Advertising Fashion Artist APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE THE MAY CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO or for house. Work.

and. conking. Write. 293. for Write Imp local corset shop.

salary additional for capable of sales. State retail lore complete. woman to for. dren. 10.

t. $10 A Week. call ho fore. man to net So far 1 children. 42 1.

home; room and Nath. Sins Write MALE HELP WANTED Your Opportunity FOR A Good Job Is Here THE National Tube Co. LORAIN WORKS Has Dozens of Good Jobs Still Open FOR MEN No Experience Necessary Good Pay with Time and A Half for Overtime Good Working Condi. tions Regular inter -urban and Local Transportation to the Plant. APPLY AT UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICES Care pa Mate B5: Lorain.

0 ALSO APPLY AT re others. a 10 16. m. Cris National Tube Co. LORAIN, V.


Elyria Savings Bldg. MI. Foe 881 12 tine rapid 11 pass be Tree Ided place Daves Guy Bank WANTED AT In for position at to: Chronicle- pi 4 I 1. THE CHRONICLE TELEGRAM, ELYRIA, OHIO Wednesday, September 26, 1915 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WRECKING ATTENTION CONTRATORS INDIVIDUALS Former Elyfia Clinic and Old-Age Home: 2nd St. and West 4 storia: with :85: rooms, which is dismantled: all materials will be sold on premises, theludes Are escapes, 4-story Otis vator.

488: American radiator furnace with stoker and 65 radiators with metal 50 wash basins, 15 sinks, 10 bath tubs, 25 toilets and all accessories, stairway, stove veneer. brick and lumber siding. sheeting. 284. 286.

288. 2x10. 2x12 al long lengths: doors and windows, light equipment. 2 Holman healers: slate all other: miscellancaus items. Must be disposed of REASONABLE: ERIE HOUSE WRECKING CO.

LORAIN, CHIO PHONE 6738 The New Thor Washer And THOR GLADIRON ARE HERE ON DISPLAY WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS STOP IN FOR DEMONSTRATION THE OHIO FURNITURE CO. 631 West Broad Street Phone 2445 STUDIO Couch 2691 for sale: Suite xood No. dition. Pli. or Colonial Apty, BLACK Persian lamb coat; lined.

16: like new. Phone Ancherst 3301.: HOOVER cleaner: table morel radio; Sunbeam heater; Lias cabinet Phone 3149. WOMAN'S TOr Winter cont; wool jacket; black Chesterdeld, all xize. 16. -695 W.

Broad Apt. 2. After 5 1. m. bed.

In good condition. $18. Mving ruoin -chairs. for after' leavinx town, most lamps, radio, piano; pAirs children's Ice. akates.

sizes. 2 5, 1 pair of lady' ice akales, girl's end table. chair ottoman, daybed: and. books. jars, 121 Pasadena, I'h.

Wednesday and Thursday, I. TABLE Model radio, Thur electric Irouer. like new: Girl's dresses and conte. size 4 6. Brown fur coat, size cheap 300 Spruce St.

PREMIER hand Bowher Service: Broad: TWO range shelter: carb. Delivetr W. 13. French and Sons, Bite. '303.

3 mile east of GO, Wakeman. BOY'S for sate; In Enid ditton. Phone Oberlin 9111. PIANO sale 011: I storage. PETE.

HELD TRANSFER CO. Quincy st. Pine 2910 Motit* -will not eat your furniture for 5 vears spraying Arab stainless methproof. Economize with the gallon size. On sale at The Elyria RantWare Water Tanks, extra heavy, will outlast weight 150 -h pressure, also hee used with home.

water systems. $13.00.. PIPE And of all kinds, new a The Elyria Belting Machinery Co. GUI ELYRIA SECOND. STORE WE tain HaL1 for a good Electric Appliance Broad Si.

Furl stoker, In. firebus: good minor needled. blur. eras ur. all waist 41, top large Mirts.

size 1:. Knot gray Haliex': Nass coats. skirts. size and Reasonable. ted blanket: brawn oat.

It. Al- chill'1'h. 16. Isle ate, 12.14 Garage entrance Park SALE IS De portatir with Ch- ft. hose and gum.

Hamilton St. BED BUGS--ROACHES BY POLLACK'S FUMIGATING SERVICE fourth St. ROOMS. of short time. Grand lady's clothes.

Dishes Wet Ase. large Folding Child's desk Mr. R. Ave coats. dresars.

and sizes 916 Park Mohair modein having pet. 19 bridge lamp new. All for 30. I. It.

in- lined Ire 1'ho mahogans. condition L.arke horsehide 431 Broad. pre- war chrom.ium finish wear. 3 it. 16 frames dis fireN h.

321 411 S1. RUMMAGE -D Fridas Sat. 226 dates Karake ANTIQUES--SELL, RUV. TRADE BUY SELL ANTIQUES We Allister. 334 2971-7164 ASTI4I ES AND ART OBJECTS Bought Sold 311 ST.

NIEDING Phone 31-922 Penrod. 1401 Lake Ave. 11'Y AND SE.LI. ANTIACES VERY rate tea pot; 2-piece milk 425 St ATTIC. 3419 WANTED MISCELLASERES WANTED Popcorn ma chine; must be in good working conditon, Phone, 7525.

Ohio Bag Far: Metal 8:13 A pant and -il St. P'hone furniture wanted. 3413 WE; bus paper. rax- and metal 1 price. Joe 1 WE: bu3 old gold Bind Vic Silver J.

1 1a F1 ALt CASH for drop bead machine. End or Phont 39-42; Trumpet, Clarinet 14 WANTED I HOUSES FOR SALE LEXINGION Are home 06 dicing room; room. AmT kitchen Indrooms and bath up. sell: R. F.

REDINGTON A Rodineton Phone 2702 NEXT ESTATE WEST SIDE rooms and inth: paved street: narage: nice. loi. at Son J. H. BELL REALTY CO.

81. ROOSE Elyrin Possession in 30 Days Ci.celand street. ronni and bath. nIl. In line.

condition: reasonably priced. Shown exclursively. W. A. HARTMAN, Realtor 618 FAM l'h.

WAKEMAN, O. PLEASANT sT. 3ril home from. 20. Highty desirable neighborto-room house.

Storage apace. Hot. air heat. in at id out. Lot: Basily converted A 2-family.

and high school. Price Sinst sell settle nu Phone 114 or Isox 0. City Property And Farms Lorain County Income, Business, Industrial J. Bradley 211 Foster Ave. B.

Masters. Phone 09-731 BY OWNER-6-room house. in :000 condition: 3 fooins down: 8 bed. and bath up; Karage. Lot 1:19 Lake Park Avenue ROOMS.

Marge' living room. Areplace, rontn, nice. kitchen, 1: Jarga bedrooms and modern hath up, but Water: heat. guest elnset: home. In nice condition: Bungainw 1ypr: sinkie.

rat Lot. 45 Price $11.500, 10th Street i- ROOM. modirn bungalon: Jiving ronin, Areplane, dining roomi. bull1-in china: closel, modern kitchen; 2 hearnoms and bath. up 2 bedroo bath down: on fonrs venetian blinds.

large lot: Intro recreation room: steam hont: double. garage. tnis one. over before. you buy.

109. Malcolm. Ct. .13300 rooms, brick. modern West Ase.

10. foots $16.500 Riding Academy. Money maker. Make: me an. offer.

CLARK'S REALTY 411 Block Phone 2633 EAST SIDE FINE. Insulated 8-room home: nice. larxe living and' dining now hardwood workable kitchen: ulce bed. rooms and bath, zood attic; nice hot air. furnace: stationary Garage, Nice.

lot. 1 Possection RICHMOND'S REALTY 3360 East Side BRICK homie tide root: oak Snore. vapor beat: Due basem*nt: Home 172 excellent condition. Inside an 172 excellent condition. Inside an out.

One acre of warden with river: brick double Marage. DON REALTY CO: 315 Masonic Temple Phone. 319! Frank C. Billings, Realtor CITY: PROPERTY AND. FARMS 310 Middle Ave.

Phone. 6251 Modern Brick Bungalow WITH large Hiving room. 2 loveis bedronmns, modern kitchen with dinette: nice room, center hall with. stairway to second toor. 7-foot basem*nt with excollent furnace, stationary tubs, comhination storm windows And screens.

Large Int, nicely landscaped. Well Ana need. mediate porsession: OWEN J. BANNON REALTOR 614 W'ret Phone 9.41 BEAUTIFUL HOME PARK: VI: -G: And bath. modern kitchen.

Bargain for nutel: J. H. BELL REALTY CO. REALTORS. H.

BEL.L CLYDE ROOST. 3:. 3467 33-614 sria Ride. EAST SIDE FIVE room home with large living deing and kitchen al raw tr. bedrooms And bath at Antibal1 ted door 1:, basem*nt.

with reereation room. 1 d4. Stow by AppoIntment R. F. REDINGTON 11.1.

KINDS CO BEAT. ESTATE: 2N Bing. FOR SALE BY OWNER tat weened porch. and storm windows: double to: double and nOW rented. Price is anis after M.

F. FEY "INSURANCE. TOO" Sav. Tr. Bide.

Ph. 4422 2 Family and Death date 4 tron Extra tot. for appoint let PeP JOHN A. BALL, Realtor P'hour 31:1 HARVARD AVE. SEMI Bungalow.

5 rooms and hath, down, 3 good rooms 09 doors Lot garage. Du her leasing L. P. KAISER--E. M.

KAISER THROUGH A 13. 1. 28-ROOM FURNISHED Apartment ilouse. o. Brings per week.

14-1 quarters for attend2 01. Hat a. it: ft fo. 1. J.

BELL REALTY CO, 11. Tr. Bldg. POSSESSION AT ONCE OFF Cleveland 6 runts acid hath: garage; fine condition. sunably priced.

shown exclusiyely be Bank 7.4. GraborCe. Hids. Ph. Attractive Home THIS is an East Side pre- war marly new.

with large conn, dining room, modern Murm 1 cash; large basem*nt: 808 mire bedrooms and tie bath. tuls; Stale See this house before E. W. BATTENHOUSE Phone After P'h-uc HENRY GRAFTON CENTER ST. nice 6 rooms bath.

Marace. Nice lot. good garden apace. Price O.K ST. Bungalow.

5 large Fooins and hot air Large al Crust 4 garden RICHMOND'S REALTY el. ca: 41 Payne 3360 MALE HELP WASTED Turret Lathe Operators EXPERIENCED ONLY ELYRIA BODY MACHINE CO. 113. East Ave. See Mr.

Maxwell or. Mr. Novak: BATTLY modern good: teary W. J. and Cleveland.

Ohio. Florida 8411. handy men wanted for ork. Elyria Fence Implement Full Time AUTO REPAIR MECHANIC STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES RESAR SERVICE COMPANY 401 2682 MALE OR FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED Including for work ins. monk keepina.

Olin mai 1e! recorda. office. concern, oppor. A11 replies Apply Hos 290; of large store male experienced help, ol' will teach Apply -by mall only 10 BAKE experience not Apply after P. m.

wanted. Apply Walt's Sewers (inen and Niters, nad: tailors, id SITUATIONS WANTED In electric planers: Niall carpenter Job. ESTER wants small jot Ph. or dump work: hauled from mine. 1'h.

UT cool Office work. full or part time. Write Box Chronicle. Large or small plots. BABY CHICKS TURKEY POULTS CHESTNUT HARD COAL BROODERS COAL.

201 West Bridge Baby Chicks Hatching The Entire Fear Wilford's Hatchery Lorain Ron Corners 11. SI, No 1, Elyria l'hone 30-987 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES GUINEA Chickens for sir. after tu. Trailer Camp, Broadway and 3611. Lorain.

W. B. deck finishing batters, Buick chassis 24: bull. catf. 4 months, 3 north New London.

Rte. 60, n. les West, End farm norto. 11. about 6 16.

aver. W. 1. French Sons. SiP.

miles cast of 66 S. Route Phone WORCESTER HATCHERY BARGAINS IN CHICKS 1 Bork pull tv, Elis old. 11.70 males 1 south. mule west J. HEAVY pee lex horn ench.

in lois, Ph, BIRDS DOGS CATS PETS GERMAS dug. ENGLISH -0094 A K. Phone RE spaniel, male, $20, 6 PI'LI ro W. Divad st. Taone golden Haliett.

c'orner and Latirange Bd. Bonte HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS and helfers. MAX Sigel. Phone JERSEY Ant Guernsey family cows Mack. Eaten on and Ate Stoney Ridge Rd Isht Smith.

AVOR. 18 old Station 11. SEVICHAL. dit 14. D.

5. No. Laton, Wilbur Haw he WEEK 1,33 Pitot 3 k. old WASTED TO BUY Dr a9 WANTED--Cider apple 0 1. FARM MACHINERY TOOLS hartestee tr, Nickel: ri FARM PRODUCTS FOR SALE a free f1 rel E.


CARPENTER Land N. SEEDS PLANTS BULBS Charcoal 15 Pound ELDOTREAD TIRE SUPPLY ELYRI4 0110 SEED 1: Grafton Phone TIMOTHY NE.I• 60 SEEDS PLANTS CERTIFIED Thorne 12.35 per bit. FARM BUREAU OF 210 1261 SEED Cortined Thorn hA English Send RIDGEVILLE PEED A CO. John RoAr, T'hona MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Notice! Returning Service Men licte buy! And used 5 can Save you up Pasment. BROWNIE" FURNITURE 301.

Lodi. Sirent HOUSEWARES COMPLETE line of A paints, dishes. Riss ware hardware, Auto Supplies and Accessories Pati Garden and LAwn Supplice B. F. GOODRICH STORES 541: Aroid! 51.

Phone 2652 RADIOS, Irons clocks and plectrical. appliances. FIxit Shop. i 5. River.

Phone: 3140: DRISCOL PIANO CO. 1000 Broadway. Lorain, "tome of Raidwin'. SETTLING Estate: Large bak. ing oven, 48-loaf capacity.

Dining room set, Beds, Chairs, Desk, Dishes, China Cabinets, Antique Marble Top Tables, Pipe Vise, Emery: Foot Grinder, Large Kraut Cutter, and other miscel. laneous Goods. 215 Park Elyria, O. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29 and 30, after 2 p.

m. CARLOAD fresh whinkey harrels, and retall. 0. E. Op: Ph.

Birmingham 082. and electric motors stick. Bowker Electric Service. W. Broad.

HYDRAULIC JACKS and Ton Sent Seal Beam Adaptors. See Tools, Flares A Floor: Mats; Pumphrey Humphrey LA PONTE, OHIO and Crise furnace controls in stock. Electric Service, 653 frond For WorldBRUSHES Just Cal Your Dealer CIGNARELLI 056 11a thorne. .7213 SECTION hat water boiler. piano.

paint spraying Royal Clothing Store. 596. W. Broad St. Rotary Cabinet electric Sowing Machine.

Franklin able. Nice condition. Ph. 123 St. LARGE rent 1.

or. tube, and 60 inch for home shop PATE HARDWARE FURNACE Smoke Pipe; Furnace Pokers; Coal hods; Clinker tongs; Flue brushes. PEED HOWE. CO. Demeter by A ft.

inch rite cach. The Elyria Belting Machinery Co. TILED Counter: la chairs, suitable for confectionary, 613 W. 3rd NEAT 1x1 for Krain living quarters, yell. nt '13 R.

French RIP. 3 miles ea 6t of SALES A DIST. For 4: cleanlux pounds. Ph. Art Marlk.

Rath Street. We deliver. Entate Heater, its Clark The Latest. the in Der Pri Save Curl SI rel with glass Garage for rent. 120 thorne.

has shotgun. shotgun. Phone LARGE Circulating lent condition. 991 Mechanic MUSKRAT Fur In excellen: condition. medium size Non Ret Air num deaner.

Call 601 1.0• Hank Ride. Speed Motor to at 14. Beater Park. Sny R. I.

1. B1.1 Winter Coat. silver collar wool. like new; size 207 S-in. adjustable exhaust fan.

I METAL Venetian At 31 Inch by 75 inch window. St. 6 HEAVY doora. 14. tt.

with track. $25. after 6 p. Dot copper wittr heavy, Ca. her, $14.55 The Elyria Belting Machinery Co.

Minor mantel bed, complete. Not plate and rummage N1 COMPLETE: ten ire box. 3 Fall rat. size DaRKS. 13.

door. 61: DASTAS 1 treater 14 1'h. Lung Yo; Singer pedal. trite mansformed ante 1:5 T'hobr Phone 1. OST.

stat- top 2 garage dr. Gas $21.31 a These lit nt. Lott 1-he 1. S- 1 F. BIA.

8. A Brt. Pre. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED washing machine.

In xordl condition, a tricycle. WANTED 21-Inch bike. Phone: WANTED Single bed, complete Phone Automi shut Call after 6:30. m. MOVING STORAGE MOVING We have the largest Vans Elyria.

Your household protected in weatherpront and 'padded and against All Toad aid are delivered in fret shape. further guarantre of 1x complete Insurance against and liabilits: Storage facilities. Pete Held Transfer Co. 124. Quincy St.

Phone. 2910. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT --4. rooms and bath. with utilities: for ndults.

224 Gates Ave. unfurnished pt. Infutre. Kuplan's Growl. FURNISHED APARTMENTS SMALL.

apartment. completely furnished. 428 3rd St. 3-ROOM furnished pl. Garage available.

313 Furnace $1. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TWO light housekeeping rooms: working girls preferred. Chestnot ONE. large comm for Tor adults. 83-432.

TWO sudjoining Fourth St. near Middle Ave. Anx Telegram. FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS LARGE sleeping ronin' for girls. also a single room in serviceman's wife's home: Kitchen privileges.

l'hone 41-434. Bleeping room for 116 End St. Airl, room: in: gentle: man F. Broad: KaTAKE. Lady Hars a GARAGES FOR RENT GARAGE for rent: for two S'hone WANTED TO RENT $25 REWARD 'radone the RENTING desirable 8 old phill.

fat Lu in ard. 4. I. PAUL D. HERMANN Phone 2591 FREE RENT.Al.

Fersire fur Veterans ronnis, rent. realtor tor free perite. J. BELL REALTY CO. J.

BELL CLUE ROOSE 3147 73-611 house. house. part 01 References TO 1. N. Eaton.

FARMS ACKEAGE FOR SALE FOR SALE- on East River. adjoining Egst. ern Heights on the south. Inquire P. R.

Smith: Co. Phone 3344. 303 A is ft. IN. land.

reset. DON S. COOK REALTY CO. 318 Tru pie Phone 2171 13 we Boot Roan ville. Fester.

Chestnut Ridge. f'h. 39-025. 29 ACRES LOCATED 1 A No buildinas. Priced to poll R.


We Sp. in Farm Selling GEO. W. BREHMER 1: Bit I'h 16 lies. L.

charges! HOUSES FOR SALE EASTERN HEIGHTS VERY nien 6-room: homed: KATREN plenty Intels with. shade. soon. Shown: by appointment, muly. E.

A. SOMMER, Realtor Che no 9076 100 Cedar St. FARMS And: ally property through out Lorain timinty. DEAL. ON.


ROOSE .200 Find g. COLUMBUS STREET. WA: have with ten lint 130. Sec this Fru.c R. F.

REDINGTON KINDS REAL ESTATE; 28 Phone SOUTH AMHERST 11 AcHEs house; garage. real at $6,000. ACRES- house: Rareer, and other Price Foster MASTERS WEST SIDE rooms: And bath. 2 Stormi. Kihg Windows screens.

Lot 45x144, BUNGALOW ROOMS aid batti: tutuuce: later lot: garage. chicken house. Phi reggio JOHN KINTER. REALTOR. MERLE KARNS Auctioneer -And 627 East F012 owner: rooms and bath: Center St.

drafton, O. Gorge lol: garage. lares basem*nt, fur. DaCe: copper shinded; dern la Walter A. inline the Lake.

SOUTH. SIDE DOUBLE CENTRALLY located: 3 abl hath. rums and birhond. WEST SIDE DOUBLE 6 ROOMS and bath dev 1 FORT: 3 Del bath: close to schools Storer, 00 EARL E. BEAL, Broker BY OWNER 3 and breakfast down.

si Path mode lions; Line location: Large in and doobie 4 H. stri WEST SIDE: 5. rooms bath zarago. Gond condition inside. 3 Lot 1 P'rice L.

P. KAISER--E. M. KAISER Realtor THROUGH A 430 1,01: "Pine Acres" :4 ratatr ria and loti.s Has home of Loomis. rooms: surrounded largo Land Jest rollins.

mire Til: iN pace. Prized LO Only $17.000. Lehman Johnson DE.M, WITH REALTOR 119 0211 tel. 1:: Bride. ur call 11 trie tian.

One suite Cali Z.J.GraborCo. WEST AVE Near Homes, Very nice 4-room 311 1 xv, -4: deep 3 -REALTOR What's YOUR Offer golden ON Avenue hope it plates. rom up de. trie range attached nut. lot.

aims here DEANE S. KINTNER, Broker Telegraph f1 4 00 EAST SIDE 5 1:00514 kal. Re. Jot. 011.


1:005 3141 Sav. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE COMMERCIAL BUILDING GooD 2-atory. brick building with 10,000 square f1. of Hour pair. a tor, hot WATer heating tem; kond location.

E. W. BATTENHOUSE Days Phone 2073 LIt. HENRY HEDRICH. Realtor "COTTAGES FOR SALE 1-ROOM 031181 be moved.

Worthington. LOTS FOR HALE S. EAST RIVER city; fine, restricted building lots. 60 feet wide by 200 deep, or nearly one. third acre.

Inquire P. Smith Co. Ph, 3344. LOT Sux Maples aNotment. Emerson improvementa 1345 HAST RIVER or F.

G. Worthington. SALE, SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE 3 Miles Out, 6 Acres BI.irK plenty of room for truck warden. Raspberries. strawberries, Pasture.

sinall coop; barn: josely 1 age: chicken Right 011 the ot quarters. the river. Immediate postrasion. Everything that Sou need And everything that you want. P'rice L.ok LISTING CLARK'S REALTY: 411 Elyria Block Phone IMMEDIATE P'OSSESSION COMFORTABLE with room, 3 modern of suburban home fertile soil Road.

mly 61. mire Stem Open to inspect. Sign ca property HEIN REALTY 1600 0. Let MOVE RIGHT IN lungalow: well tot. About mile Elyria.

JOHN GEN.TOR MERLE KARNS and 5 4: 1 423 Phone ba.

The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.