The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)

1 1 a a 000 000 1 1 Page THE CHRONICLE TELEGRAM, ELYRIA, OTITO Wednesday. 'August 1. 1945 Pier Oddities By John Pierotti CRAMER IS ONE OF ONLY THREE HITTERS EVER TO GET 'SIX FOR SIX" IN ONE GAME THE OTHER TWO WERE ED DELEHANTY AND JIM BOTTOMLEY ROGER 'DOC" CRAMER, DETROIT OUTFIELDER, THE 39-YR-OLD DETROIT OWNS A PACK OF 14 GARDENER ACQUIRED HIS FOXHOUNDS, AND NICKNAME AS A BOY BECAUSE FOLLOWS THEM IN AN HE USUALLY RODE WITH THE AUTOMOBILE TOWN DOC ON SICK CALLS by C'alled Feature Syndicate, Ise Pro Grid Players Are Due For Disappointment By JOE CUSTER "In the first place, the men be.4 hind the new pro football curcut are a a0gacious, lot who know exactly what they're doing. Then. too, they have the precedent of the Federal League before them, when this organization went broke to take stars from the American and National leagues; the interlopers ran out of money, which is a naturai conclusion in bidding.

that All-American Salaries League won't mistake. ire erned by overhead and Kate re. cripts; spectators. you at can so seat much only per No many any stadium It: the and your salaries are part of that P'ra football salaries Gallery pointed out. are scarrels coolte wages even 1:1 comparison with profess.

baseball. Salaries Compare understand that the proposed All- League has set a cellINg of $7.500, and that's about what the National League average 15. Same stars drawing 30 high $15.000. Bust the y. that's only for about three months.

and 3 10. Hame -chedule, whereas the baseball player -whose average salary isn't any higher -signs fix schedule. I don't see whor* the gridder has ally apologies to Baseball's practice of paving fan. re bonuses may have its counterpart in post- football. Gallery matted United Press Staff Correspondent NEW YORK Professional football stars licking their chops in anticipation of skyrocketing salaries 111 just -war rompetition betwern rival leagues are doomed for inevitable frustration.

vice president Tom Gallery of the Brooklyn- Tigers predicted today. throat bidding for players, with resultant tram jump. ing. may ocear for a white but it's doomed for an varly he said. "The law: of ventiomics will take care of that.

Gallery's forecast was in answer to speculation that inauy. nration ol' the proposal All America League in competition with the 19 gear National League -might spark a disastrous "player war" such as the Federal League in at the turn of the "Such a 'player war' is likely when the All- America League into Gallery admitted, "but it will not calltinne long enough to do serions damage. For Doubles League Made By Tennis Commish The Elyria Tennis Commission 18 making plans for organizing a i doubles league, It Wis announced today. The Commission aid the league wall be set up on the -ladder-chal: tenge" in which any 10.71 may challenge another to. above en the ladder Doubles team- waleng to enter this league are Rend to register with Byron Morts by calhny 9291.

Don M. by calling 9152. Entries received by this Sat. unday will be placed in 31 draw. Entries which rome an after Satur.

day wall have 1.1 the hottoln. There is Do entry fee The Commission we Hrs to that thus league be confused with the regular men's doubles nounrement of plans for the Fits tournament. for men': doubles. and for women': will be made next week.

The nest regular meeting of the Tennis Comme-ion will be Lei City Hall on Monday. Aus: 13. at p. In Elmer Schuntz the and Betty Scharter 15 serretary Pirates Win From Great Lakes Team GREAT LAKES 10'1; 8 Feller's Great Latkes Tramarg team today Hindi :15 tu league ball SPa stall after absorbing 0 die. the immen After both held scoretess for 1.

the Irrates bounced 1 hat-. walk and a long dy the score three quick runs 31.6 anI the P'itcher Art wha 1 1 Center's Relief Pitching Helps Cleveland Win Cleveland Indians today found themselves -soinewhat to their own in fifth place in the American L.ea• gue standings thanks to a young 1 man from Kentucky named Pete Center. The tall nighthander took over the final 42-3 innings of Cleveland's Rame with the Chicago last night and emerged with a 6 to 5 victory that brought the Indians' record for the sea on 10 mark and edged them into fifth place. Center's victory also helped his own record. It was las fourth victory without a defeat and brought to 33 1-4 the manhor of he has Matched the soar.

It also gave him I rm. rent tole as Cleveland a rehot pitcher. HER 10.01 AN Patril ted AND A 11 16 20 1. 0 0 Totals 6 8 21 10 ABu'd tot 201 010 000 5 (irreland 300 300 Olix So. Horkrit Rotuirean 1 asPs 2.

)seal Rocro 5. halk 1 Boudreau Schalk. Three -base hit H.irs run hot Stu. USe Moses S.N rifice Boudren: plats Michael: Schalk. and Farrell.

Roren met Boudread 1.0 2: 6 55aSPS o2 balls Lee 3. I. Center 9:: Ler 4. man ('enter Hits Khrman. 4 1-3 Center.

2.1 Wanner Uinpires Weater. and T.ine 1 48 Borowy Deal Still Puzzle NE.W Larry MacPhad of -Five the days: ices his famashe interleague deal with the Chirago Cubs. no flesh-and-blood esidenre of bat sot in return for his "$100.000 pitcher." Hank Borowv. had set ap' pared ared the mystery was deepening hourly. Anxious the baffled, press and certain characters Broad-, way to or a or mane on the fate of the Yankees this a these questions: J.

If Plat has already obtain. ed certain Chicago players in change for Borouy why are they I :11 performing in Yankee unformns when the team has its best. if tot chatice to over. haul the Detroit Tigers in the i American League" 2. promised If such the players were deal.

merely in screwy can thes now be 011 to the Yankees with the club owners of both leagues thoroughly aroused over the manner in winch Star Phail wared Barowy out of the and 18; through the lower brarkets of the National to the Cub-" 3. If the 000 price is Maconly how expected return in the transaction. come. since the Yankees are supposed to be as well-: hooted as any club in tarball and dollars can do bile to "strengthen the test for the annoureed purga-e In the Licat vet' Yorkee oface's Terse comment today when asked whether any players from Chicago bad appbed for New York a and there the matter the to five hits. led L- fT with angle advanced to when Handiry rope.

the performance. walked and Al 16. rat another: Rare: after Frank: C.n: le! 1: so al long My to Fetter wen the route for the Sadlers. striking OUT ten and alEr. A ten hits FLYING INSTRUCTIONS COATES FLYING SERVICE Competent Instruction ELYRIA AIRPORT Infirmary Road Jack Coates, Mgr.

AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS SALES and SERVICE UNITED SERVICE MOTORS We Distribute the Leading Lines DELCO BATTERIES THOMPSON PRODUCTS CARTER CARBURETORS DELCO-REMY AND AUTO-LITE IGNITION. Motor Tune Up Specialists DON'T SWEAR CALL 2347 ELDOTREAD CO TIRE WE PI 4': 222 1 1 1 9 Rustling Thru Sports With RUSS DAVIES About This And That 4 AS THIS corner can remember. 1 can't recall any local A championship softball series that was harder fought than the one Boing on at present between Western Automatic and with the Industrial Division championship of the City League at Stake This series reminds one of the old days wRen real Richwine Ice Cream. City Motors and Holy Cross teams used to du battle when so. ball was played under the sun's rays rather than under the are lights as of now Those used to be some real tussles but they had little or nothing on the current senes which now stands at our game for house and uno game for Western Auto mate.

With the deciding contest af the best of three coming up, the records the rivals have four tunes flus seas. 1w acgulir league play and twice 11: the ff. and on of the four occasions ouly one run has berti the murkin of bel. ry with carb hosing won tuare That's really battling, and no mistake about that BASEBALL'S RIGGEST QUESTION Baseball's Suggest question night now IS the 1445 World my be The Offre of Defense Trans ruird some 111330 ago that the 19-45 World Seras could not be played undoes the contesting trams are from the santo city With the Detrod Tigers setting the pare 31 the an League and 1h0 Chicago Cubs doing the saint in the National. its logical to believe that these two clubs might wand up with the championships in their a.spective circuits: And if the ruling of the OUT moans anything.

therefore there 110 series of course, ODT, with pressure from the Aimy and Nay, might its mund Fact of the matter o. OUT never has been ton Si at This Summer the OUT ruled out the playing of the annual All-Star K. muse between rival 1cats fumn the A and National Leagues Butt the record shows that the ODT has oven. is official sanction to the fu tball game 111 Chicago between a tram of College All -Stars and the professional Green Bay Packers Seems to me there 1s 110 go.d reason at all why the 1945 World! S. mes should tint be played Travel mvoived would be tar less than the travel mvolved during the regular season play an the American and National Bragues The men in the armed services want the series.

They've spreeed such a desire Seems to me their washes should be respreted GRID DRILLS BEGIN AUG. 20 Football practice begins August 20 for all six Luke Ecic League trains. Elyria, Lorain, Lakewood, Shaw, Cleveland leights and Shaker substs Only one of the six Eric schools Loran will have a new conch this srason Brice Bloom, formerly of Lima South, takes user at that school, succeeding Herb Mills Ike Trubey remains 11 Marty L.oftus at Ralph Ness al ood. Howard Baughman at Cleveland Houghts and Norm Schoen al Shuker Heights Ness is the dean of Erie coaches both It: i go and point of serves Hr became head grad coach at Likewnod 113 19336 Elyria inaugurates its season with Oberlin forming the -pp. stion in Rome nt Ely Stadium.

Sepfember 14 Ober on the Elyria this season are with the five Erie League teams, and with Sandusky. Youngstown South and Fremont ASCOT GOLD CUP SATURDAY The Ascet Gold Cup will be ran off Saturday at the nearby track lt's over the two-mile distance and wall be for 3 put -p of $3.000 likely entries are Just 'Toms Wade Jr. Black Crusade, Roy Jay. Mok. American Fore and Shugy Lady Gold Cop- ww- we- let by.

TLin Wade Jr. Lumber Team Bags Sixth Straight In Circuit West Side Lumber. leader in the sreond hall City Class League; chalked up its sixth straight win of the closing halt last evening. 1 away from Elyria Brass and Bronze, 28-0, al Cascade Park. The Lame was called by agreement nt end at five innings.

Joe Pre WaS the job her. allowing only the hat and Miking mat 10. Realty Team l'ops I In antner league game lit Don Cook Realty look over undssputed third place 111 biv defeating Motor 11...1.480. 8-5. al Ely Stadium.

00 was i er Bib the Jo-er O'Connor and 11. three hits apiece to toad the ..1: The 'ner to.p game scheduled to tr been: pard Bel 1: Funeral Home. In The Major Leagues NATION 41. 12 F. RI'SS 1:1 15 (1 L.

1: P.r: aseball Standing Tennis Tourneys Are Moving Along Play :11 the boys division of the current tennis tournament has reached the semm-final slage in 0120 bracket, the quarter -final 111 the other. ('huck Stewart was to meet Ed Palich weluck today 111 one semi-finals match. In ine other bracket. Frank Opra is in the semitreats and wall play the winner of Skip Fauve -Doug Hues match slanted 10 played HT Cascade I Thurmiay evemng. Opra advanced by 6-0 defeating Marty 6-2, reached the finals with the finalists 1'lay 111 the girls' division has being Pat Bauer and Audrey Joy.

aak entered the Gnat round i last wrek. while Bauer this week by defeating Ted. 6-0, 6-11 Pays $30,000 For Blue Larkspur Colt tine progeny of Blue Larkspur. 6 of Hie outstanding ares of 1:. de: 1.

the teatesty of the manual Summer: Pales 41 the Keeneland tore tr.n a Fo; the second du) 1.:0 foot son' Bite The colt. out ol' by Sutra sad consigned 1. Aston lie total tor to mI 11. 0 hem bra hat: S1. 10: of CalI. 111 tor 11: 5 pine LEXINGTON, Ky. Up- Bidding Ass'n Leaders In Twin Bill Split Vi: it A vie 1 A 1. 0.410: The de! 18 p.m Batts 10; 10 1. c. tend I.

ba 1. Flint 1. 0 03 It. Cleveland Wins In Legion Play OFT AWARE. MOTOR MALL A 11 40.18 Bendix Wins In District Tourney Play Tiffin Routh Packers and Sandusky East Side Cale teams advanced in District No.

5 tournament play by winning their games played last night at the seation Board's Oberlin Road field. Bendix-Westinghouse 100k decision over the Porcelaine Steel team of Clyde: Tiffin edged the Sandusky I. A. B. Club, 1-0, scoring the lone run of the game in the last half of the seventh, and Sandusky East Side Cate eked out A 5-4 victory over the Gardner Jewelers, counting the winning tally in the seventh.

Tournament play. being conducted on a double elimination basis, resumes on Thursday evening witls three games. Vie Silver Jewelers meet the Avon Lake Independents at 7: Lorin Yepko Markets oppose We-tern Automatic at 8, and Bendix- Westinghouse lakes on Tiffin loath Packers at PORCELAINE AR hrs. Fair Ci: rf KaR Morark ic. honscheR Th Fatale 23 18 BINDIX NOT A8 Henke.

3r lite zak. 16 Af Vollmer, Beard. 20 Walker. ct Burn worth Evanich. rf enschenkel Tot ais 22 21 Clyde 102 000 0 Pat 003 100 TRO bASe hit FOrgAn Three base hits 1.

liraS 2. Gallagher. Falter. Doobie pins Monarke Rid Cray. Hase an bails Brumeuschenkri 2 cAll hr Keegan 5.

by I. Hits off Vollmer 17 1 2-3 A ste 1-J Pas bull Palter. Winnie pitcher Umpires Baka and Law soli. AH Johnson. 10 Read.

30 ct 1 el Tala el Nirkols. I 1:129 k. If Totals 27 7x20 SK1 SIDE AB 6 81 Pot 1b Kraus Bennett ah Korisch. Rotis Tolaia 24 4 31 5 when tax fuss Lee 102 000 0 000 004 1 1 here Watcen3k: 'Testa Three omAr hits Johnson. Read.

Warrenaki Stol buses SaD: Sacrifices Jones truss Dwubir play Read ted Base on halls off S'tuck out by Zain: el by Bennett el! Kraus. 2 Bennett 1.1 Wild Zala' el 3 P'assed mast Warrensk: Winamg pitcher Bennett. Umpires Bako and lawson. SANDUSKY I A. N.

41.4'H AB A Balcoti, a 210 Wagner. Pouts. el 0 0 Schrck. 33 10 R. TIFFIN nO 0 On it took.

1 In Dean Alt 183 (' on: ine Totals 15 5 21 1 runs r': 000 SKI 000 000 0 131 Past Sarratice: Base on balis oft man (95a1 DV bet J. by 8 Mangrum Leads In G. I. Golf Tourney PARIS. Capt Horton Smith.

the Joplin, "Golfing Ghost" who AS kul of 21 stunned the worlds fare US A the French Open took look today. al the St. Clad Los where the Europe G. 1 xl! championship was being decided tend Mud It was tricky ever wit scored ore of Areal riymphs here 113 1929 by be. Walter Hagen Gene ten and Britain's great tournament rector.

One of th's former Rolfing: (pi Lose cone back months in a she 1.1 jeep the candy lead the profesa with tai 69. 1: ree trokes better than CH 'F Nowak fellou Las Andc inse M.ngrum. tamer Rater Cup 1. at pluses as Gen George l'atton's :1 Novak represented At: Comm. Zone.

Sports Shorts WAT WATOSA. IP. Tu. 1 Ailed bot a Ben* dr B.Der. ni vere Pete: 15 am 16 of Butler tase.

10.41: at. Ph m. ere red rut the of'er: were Manage: A he: F. Yankees Possess Formula For Defeating Ferriss, Whip Him Third Straight By CARL. LUNDQUIST a 6 to victory over the White Sox at Cleveland.

pitching scoreless ball after the fifth. Johnny Dickshot hil a homer for Chicago. Del Bissonette's first day as manigor of the Braves was a hectic one in which he saw practically every. thing happen in a split of a double header with the Giants at New York. The Braves ended their ing streak al 10 games by winning the second game.

9 to 4' with a five run in the 13th. They lost the opener the last of the ninth, rally, 4 to 3. Workman's second homer spotlighted the Braves' slump-busting rally in nightcap. Buddy Kerr hit: Giant homer in the second game and Manager Mel O11 got Dis 499th major league hamer in the opener. Tommy Holmes got a sccond game homer and Whitey Wietelmann hit one in the opener for Boston.

Reds, Cardinals Split Reds made it two out of: three over the Cardinals at St. Louis by sphtting a double header. I St. Louis tool: the opener, 4 to 3, when Al Jurisch. making his first start since May 18.

turned in A light -hit game for his initial win of the season. Bucky Walters, returning 1.0 his favorite halut af beating the nals. gave 3 five-bit. 2 tr 0, shutout in the second game. It was has 10th victory but his first this year over the Cards.

Eddie Miller's homer provided the matgin of victory. The Philadelphia A's at Washing. ton and Brooklyn at Philadelphia Phils double -headers were. postponed because of rain. United Press Staff Correspondent When the Yankees gave Dave Ferriss his first bumps as a big leaguer after he had won eight straight games they let it circulate via the American League grape- that the big rookie could he hit successfully if the batters "waited him After scoring their third straight victory over the handSnIDe kid.

yesterday, it soomed evident that they knew what. they were talking about. They beat him. 4 to 2 in 10 innings. l'or his fourth defeat against 17 victories.

They. had to yo beyond regulation distance, but they tagged Forriss for 10 hits. four by tirorgo Stainback. Ilis last one. A single, drove in the winning run in the 10th after which Frankie Crosetti squeezed in mother with a perfect bunt.

Walt Dubinl pitched the Yankees to their sixth victory in eight games since Coach Art Fletcher took over the reins as acting manager for ailing Joe Mol'arthy. The other big American League winner. Hal Now houser. got a little more extra inning support. winning his 17th game Tor the Tigers in the 12th when Jimmy Outlaw singled to beat the Browns al Detroit.

5 to 4. Newhouser himself swooped in with ah winning rom after grounding a single past pitcher Sigmund Relief dakacki. pitcher Center Abaket Fight Results I IRy Uniled Press! 1,08 ANGEL.EA -Dolph Quilano 170. Army. decisioned Al Timmonds, 115.

Clere- land, Ohio TEAM SEEKS GAMES The Ridge Tool softball team is in the market for games with any teams in Elyria and vicinity. ested managers are requested to call 43-421. Lust evening the Ridge Tool team defeated the Grafton State Prison Farm club. 11-5. totaling 14 hits to seven for the losers.

HOUSE PAINT $319 GAL. PER 2 In Gal. Lots Beautify and protect your home with RICH-COAT. it's top quality bouse paint. Red Barn Paint, gal.

$2.29 Quick, easy to make barns, out. buildings, bridges, metal roots look ter -last longer. Double thick paste type. One gallon, mixed with linseed oil makes 2 to gallons of paint. PAINTERS' SUPPLIES Patching Plaster, Glazing Compound, 1 Paint Brushes Many Other Painters' Helps Convenient Budget Plan B.F.

Goodrich 541 BROAD ST. Phone 2552 Two Contests On Ridgeville Card Two games make up the softhall programs this evening a1 Ridge- Hahn Manufacturing Company girls meet the Kroger girls' team of Ashland in the first game at 7:30. while the Hahn Manufacturing Company men's team takes on the Westlake Merchants in the second centest at 8:45. AR H. "There's nothing In the National League -law against bonus.

but er's a costly practice that would have to he absorbed from himated gate recents, and my guess is that wouldn't be a paying tire. Keep 111 mind baseball! plays a 154-game schedule. and pro. football 11 game and there's the reason in a nutshell However he added. the neu indulges 11 this pal.

Cali banktolt bankroll By and large. I thank there's of room for two football tea. goes What's die sene it living Stadium enapts half the season while the te.m: is Springfield Evens Middletown Series (By U'nited Press) Sponged evered its Series with the Meddletown Raw kets 111 11:0 Oh State League 1.151 ille and pro. vide di the fireunths THe -coo deplace Gubte cut And. lead 101 61-2 hen Thresh 3 the hon.o f.old be st.

1:00 luting 0 fruits whwh -Dodgers emerged with a 21 1.. 13 eighth last mine Rams, Pittsburgh In Player Trade (I EVELAND PI and F. 1. 1 dei SP. 26 YOU CAN COUNT ON US! As our armed forces make slow but sure progress toward final Victory, there will be more and more occasions for 116 to aid you with your financial problems, and we shall welcome these opportunities to be helpful.

We pledge our fullest co-operation to you, to our community, and to our country. Only the War Bonds you KEEP Help the Fight THE LORAIN COUNTY SAVINGS TRUST CO. ELYRIA. OHIO AMHERSI OHIO LORAIN COUMITS LARGEST BANK NEWMA FERERAL DEPOSIT LASHAANCE MENDER FEAERAL RESERVE STATE A.

The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.