The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

THE VANCOUVER SUN: Friday, July 25, 1952 3 rr 3n HWi4 a SkMAW Saskatchewan had 274 active gross value of their products totalled more than $3,600,000. 14 lumber mills in 1950 and the B.C. Bishop, Wife Die in Auto Crash Bilk Specialists' Since 191S Daughter, Missionary Injured in 622-628 Granville Phone TA. mi Mishap Near Prince Rupert Special to The Vancouver Sun PRINCE RUPERT. July 25.

In one of the most tragic Shop EAIILY Saturday for these door-opening Specials mishaps in the history of Prince Rupert, Rt. Rev. J. B. Gibson, 71, Anglican Bishop of Caledonia, and his wife were killed Thursday in an auto accident on the Skeena QUICKIES "Notice any rain clouds? this barometer I got in The Sun want ads says 'light showers'!" Highway.

The bishop's daughter, Eileen The truck was en route to Gibson. 41, home economics Port Edward with five tons of sand. teacher at Courtenay, and Rev. S. C.

Deacon, retired missionary FROM NORTHERN IRELAND Final Clearance 300 Pair AH-Perf ect Nylon Hose Broken colors and sizes. Reg. 1.50 and 1.75 from South Ameripa, were in Bishop Gibson came to St. An jured. 98 drew's Cathedral here as rector in 1928, was appointed Dean the following year and on June 13, 1.9S 2 pair PENFOLD ANGRY Utilities Board Man Walks Out 1945, was elected Bishop of The group were en route to the bishop's summer home at Kitwanga, between Terrace and Hazelton, when the accident occurred about two miles from here.

Their new model English car sideswiped a truck and veered Caledonia. He was consecrated on August 5 of the same year. Born at Armah, Northern Ire land, he received his education in the National School at Moy off the highway down a 20-foot KELOWNA, July 25 (CP) D. K. Penfold, a member of the llranded-Line Nylon Hose Reg.

1.50 51 and 54-gauge, 15 denier your favorite all-perfect luxury sheers by your favorite makers. Styled with slim heel and nice dark seams. Newest .19 shades and sizes 8V2 to 11 Jl 2 pair 2.35 County, Tyrone, Ireland, and embankment into a wooded area Public Utility Commission, walk' was apprenticed to the drapery Both vehicles were going in the FINISHING TOUCHES are added to "Happyland" display entered in Supervised Playground Sandbox Contest in T. Eaton auditorium. This is entry of Memorial South group and lads putting final touches on are Dennis, 11, and Sinclair, 9, Coughlan, 7691 Victoria.

business in Portadown in the centre of Ireland's linen trade ed out of the hearing on rate application; of the Okanagan Telephone tympany here Thurs same direction. KILLED. INSTANTLY Bishop and Mrs. Gibson, rid' where he remained eight years. day in protest against a ruling Then he entered the Church ing in the back seat, are believed that the company must make public the salaries of its execu Missionary Society Preparatory College at Blackheath, London, England, where he was studying to have been Rilled almost tives.

when a call came for missionar Miss Gibson and Mr. Deacon Commission Chairman Percy George made the ruling. ies for Saskatchewan. were pinned in the front and were released by RCMP who ANOTHER DAUGHTER; SON Mr. Penfold said it was a most irregular one, stressing that the commission had the information sped to the scene.

He arrived in Saskatchewan in The auto ended up on its side 1906. The following year he en which showed the salaries were with most winddws broken and tered Emmanuel College, then not excessive and that the company had agreed to provide pro doors smashed. The roof was at Prince Albert, from which he only slightly dinted. testing municipalities with salary figures. Police said Miss Gibson, He maintained that the ruling though stunned, -was able to walk away from the car after was unfair to the company, not graduated in theology in 1910, being ordained a minister the same year.

He leaves another daughter, Noreen, who served with the women's division of the RCAF in the last war and a son, Henry, being extricated. in the public interest, and that Mr. Deacon, who received Imported Brushed Rotany Short-Sleeve Pullovers Regular 6.95. A famous make, medium and large only 17 only Tartan Skirts qq Regular 25.00 for'. JLW 7 only Blazers jtk qq Regular to 19.95 JL" 24 only Summer Dresses rv qq Regular to 16.95 Jl." 90 only Blouses 6 9 Regular to 8.95 No Phone, Mail or C.O.D.'s, please all sales final.

it would create an unwise prece dent in the commission's pro cedure. broken collarbone and severe cuts to his face, was carried up who was with the Royal Medical He said he will not be present the embankment. Corps. at the final summarization of evidence and the final decision on the rate increase application, which will be made by the re maining two members. Day in Jail for Mother in Burglary Special to The Vancouver Sun PORT COQUITLAM, July 25.

A tense, crowded court Quake Hits Jap Town KUSHIRO, Japan, July 25 (BUP) A sharp earthquake lasting one minute sent residents of Kushiro running to the streets early today. No damage was reported. room heard sentence passed Thursday on a young mother of six children for her participation in a burglary, Mrs. Doreen Scott, 24, Fort "TRADING POST," entered by youngsters of Riley Centre, was point of interest for Janice Sampson, 4, 5827 Berkley, one of many children who visited display Thursday. This entry won first prize in its class.

Coquitlam, was sentenced by Magistrate G. R. Leigh to one day in jail and ordered to pay a U.K. Fears Invasion' fine of $250. In default of pay ment of the fine Mrs.

Scott must TOM- serve four months. ISveiry Mrs. Scott was found guilty of a $2000 furniture burglary from the Port Coquitlam home of Mr. LONDON, July 25 (Reuters) Sir Thomas Dugdale, Minister of Agriculture, told the Commons that Britain may be faced and Mrs. Waldie Wilson, which she committed along with three with another invasion of foot-and-mouth disease.

other members of her famfly. ffi mi HARRY All four pleaded guilty to the charges. He said restrictions on movement of livestock in southeast For his part in the offense ern England will continue be Wallace Scott, husband of the cause of the risk of infection from France. The French situa accused woman, was sentenced to six months in jail. This sentence will run consecutively with an 18-months' sentence he was given for another theft.

tion still is grave, he said, and infection seems to be moving Sells this Smart Refrigerator for westward. A week ago, Dugdale said Norman Herl, Ladner, Britain's epidemic, which father of Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. started last November, was Herl, her mother, were both dying out. given six months' jail terms for their part in the burglary.

Magistrate Leigh, passing Harvard Scholar, the light sentence on Mrs. Scott, -di 4f -1 said he took into consideration the number of her young chil Prof. Copeland, Dies BELMONT, July 25. dren and the fact that a cash Ml restitution of $600 had been (AP) Professor emeritus Chas. made to Mr.

and Mrs. Wilson ANOTHER FIRST PRIZE WINNER was this "Hawaii" display entered by members of the Kensington Playground group. Admiring work of art, is Carol Jane Sumpton, 6, 2775 West Thirty-eighth. Competition ends Saturday. Townsend Copeland, 92, of Harvard University, world famous scholar of United States and Eng lish literature, died Thursday.

'CUSTOM BARRIER NEEDED' Eight More Get Polio VICTORIA, July 25 (CP) BIG BEAUTIFUL ECONOMICAL 7.4 eu. ft. DELUXE MODEL $9RQJS (As Illustrated) hvV Holds 32 lbs. frozen food. Full width crisper drawer.

Only 24" wide. Eight new cases of polio have been reported to the provincial U.K. Commission to Inquire Into Home Rule for Scots health department this week. The 1952 total stands at 37. This compares with 83 for the But You'll like doing business with THOMSON PACE! same period in 1947, the epi demic year used by the department as a yardstick.

a committee, headed by Lord Catto, former Governor of the The polio incidence is still not LONDON, July 25 (Reuters) Prime Minister Churchill caused a stir among Scottish home rulers tonight by granting what thev have lone demanded a mean Scots are well on theirj way to having their own parliament in Edinburgh. Though 3,000,000 Scots have demanded this in a petition Bank of England, which for over building up in any alarming two years has been looking into the financial and economic rela tions between Scotland and Eng fashion," Dr. G. F. Amyot, deputy health minister, said.

Three polio deaths have been reported so far. Royal -Commission to inquire into arrangements for governing Scotland. circulated by the Covenanters (home rulers) over the last two years, neither the Conservative land. The committee reported that A Scotsman, the 49-year-old without a customs barrier be Earl of Balfour, will be chair nor the Labor party has ever supported the idea. Churchill's statement in Parliament came after the report of man.

tween Scotland and England it was impossible to determine Scotland's share of United Kingdom external trade and her bal Red Cross Doctors Tour Kids' Hospital But the commission does not ance of payments. TORONTO, July 25 (CP) The financial angle of Scottish- Because EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN LARGE SELECTION FOR COMPARISON. UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED. YOU'LL LIKE OUR FRIENDLY PERSONALIZED SERVICE. And remember Thomson Page always sell at the lowest advertised price on all nationally known makes of appliances.

Doctors took a busman's holiday from, their duties at the 16th In English relationship is an important one to Scotsmen. A point made by many of the home rule Ex-Husband Fights Divorce Decree ternational Red Cross confer ence and went on a tour of Can propagandists is: DO-SfftJ I and II ada's newest hospital for sick children here. Where would the British ex port drive be but for Scotch Refreshing ONE DAY CRUISES From Vancouver PI AN Al MO Saturday and Sunday Lcavt Vancouver Daily 5:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5:1 5 p.m., 7:00 p.m. GOLF ISLANDS LEAVE VANCOUVER Tmsday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, 7:30 a.m. POWELL RIVER $4.50 Rttam LEAVE VANCOUVER Vcdmtday, Friday, 9:45 a.m.

PACIFIC STANDARD TIME Consult your Local Canadian Pacific Ant Because his former wife is now trying to collect her whisky, Scottish shipbuilding Srnttish pnmnpprinff yA 11 Vh divorce costs, Leonard Victor Barner, New Westminster, is mi other products that come fromlHO IOF CI attacking the validity of the decree she obtained last Jan. 4 north of the border? I He contended in Supreme Scotland already has its I1S 1.1 copies of the divorce petition to Court Chambers Thursday that iiwvuiuuaiii law, home, education, health and Barner and the woman, originally named as but later as Miss Moore, and that they said they were Mr. and Mrs. Barner. Vancouver sport fishermen think other government departments.

And the Conservative government has given Scotland an extra minister of state an extra under-secretary. it's pretty nice to be able to USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS aslowas75antIuP hook big salmon in the waters COULDN'T AFFORD FIGHT he has not been served personally with the petition of Clara Mary Barner, 876 Granville, though he admitted he received the papers on October 31 last 4 from his housekeeper, Miss Pearl Melinda Moore. HAD FULL KNOWLEDGE Mr. Justice Wilson accepted that surround us, but Atlantic coast Nova Scotians can nip out and catch Swordfish as big Miss Moore told the judge she handed the papers to Barner the next day, when he arrived from a visit with his mother at Wells. Barner confirmed this and said he went to his wife's law Mob Insults Churchill Two Stores To Serve You as trolley-buses! For story and pictures about this most exciting of all line-fishing look for WEEKEND rotogravure the evidence of Barner and Miss Moore and is now considering the effect Of the faulty service on the validity of the decree he yer, G.

M. Annable, a day later TEHERAN, July 25 (BUP) gave Mrs. Barner dissolving her and said he could not afford to! A small crowd of nationalists defend the action but that he; staged an" anti-British demon-would "take steps to have the stration today and tore down a case quashed if costs were charg- marble plaque which named a marriage in Calgary in 1945. magazine in The Sunday Sun. And there are many more Sunday Sun features to entertain you, including Color Comics and D.

W. Carmichael contended ed against him." street in honor of British Prime Barner denies the charges of Minister Winston Churchill. 1 GRAKYILIE at 13th w366 I 1 01 5144 Magazine of B.C.! as counsel for Barner that thej divorce is invalid but Nicholas Mussallem argued that, because the husband had full knowledge cf the proceedings, he cannot iiuscuiiuuci wun miss Aioore, irucKioaas 01 ponce were contained in his wife's rushed to the area in front of Mr. Annable said Barner had; the British Embassy to prevent the divorce petition when he possible incidents as the crowd came to his office on Novemberjof supporters of Premier Mossa 1 and said he could not afford degh shouted "Down with the Sujidop Sun take advantage of the form of ervice. ON SALE SATURDAY 10c i James Joseph O'Neill, of White to defend the case.

He advised British and ChiiTTrhin' arul Rock, testified that he handed Barner to see another lawyer. live Mossadegh.".

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.