Questions to Ask Leaders: The Secrets of Effective Leadership | Meridian University (2024)

Leadership is complex. It is a multifaceted concept often defined by traditional factors such as decision-making abilities, communication skills, and the capacity to inspire and motivate others. But have you taken note of the questions to ask leaders that influence you?

Asking insightful questions can give you a deeper understanding of their thought processes, leadership styles, and strategies for overcoming challenges. Having your questions ready for that right moment to ask them can create pivotal shifts in your leadership direction and initiative and create great ideas.

Questions to Ask Leaders: The Secrets of Effective Leadership | Meridian University (1)

Asking leaders great questions helps form your leadership style

Leadership is complex. It is a multifaceted concept often defined by traditional factors such as decision-making abilities, communication skills, and the capacity to inspire and motivate others. But have you taken note of the questions to ask leaders that influence you?

Asking insightful questions can give you a deeper understanding of their thought processes, leadership styles, and strategies for overcoming challenges. Having your questions ready for that right moment to ask them can create pivotal shifts in your leadership direction and initiative and create great ideas.

The power of asking questions

“You don’t really understand people until you hear their life story. If you know their stories, you grasp their history, their hurts, their hopes and aspirations. You put yourself in their shoes. And just by virtue of listening and remembering what’s important to them, you communicate that you care and desire to add value.” - John C. Maxwell

Questions are powerful tools. They can reveal a leader’s strengths and weaknesses, their approach to goal setting, and their strategies for encouraging creativity among team members. They can also shed light on a leader’s professional development journey, their role models, and their ideas for fostering career growth within their teams.

Asking questions is part of being a leader. When they ask questions, they communicate that questioning is essential. Simply, when you ask a leader thoughtful questions, you are just taking the first step to becoming a more influential and effective leader.

The attributes of a great leader

“Good leaders ask great questions that inspire others to dream more, think more, learn more, do more, and become more.” - John C. Maxwell

Great leaders are not just born; they are made. They continuously learn, adapt, and grow, honing their leadership skills and striving to improve. Here are some questions to ask a great leader:

  • How do you define your leadership style, and how has it evolved?
  • How do you handle criticism and feedback from your team members?
  • How do you foster a culture of continuous learning, improvement, and professional development in your team?
  • What strategies do you use to motivate and inspire your team members? How do you ensure your team members feel included, valued, and heard?

These basic questions can help to uncover the qualities and strategies that make a leader truly great. As Knowledge at Wharton points out, great leaders are those who can inspire others, create a positive work environment, and drive their teams toward achieving goals.

Questions to ask senior leaders

Senior leaders often have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. Here are some strategic questions to ask these leaders:

  • What are the biggest challenges you have faced in your leadership position, and how did you overcome them?
  • How do you encourage creativity and innovation among your team members?
  • Who are your role models, and how have they influenced your leadership style?
  • How do you balance your strengths and weaknesses to be an effective leader?
  • What strategies do you use for goal setting and ensuring the professional development of your team members?

These questions can give you an idea of the thought processes and strategies senior leaders employ, helping aspiring leaders to learn and grow. Whether it is fostering inclusivity or mastering relationships, understanding the experiences and strategies of successful leaders provides an actionable roadmap for aspiring leaders.

Powerful questions equal powerful impacts

Powerful questions provoke thought, challenge assumptions, and inspire change. Here are the top five powerful questions:

  • What is one thing you would change about your leadership style, and why?
  • How do you handle failure, and what lessons have you learned from it?
  • How do you ensure that your values align with your leadership actions?
  • How do you balance the need for results with the well-being of your team members?

These questions can stimulate deep reflection and spark meaningful conversations about leadership. Powerful questions can lead to breakthrough insights and drive meaningful change.

The expert weighs in

John C. Maxwell is a renowned leadership expert who believes in asking powerful questions to learn, grow, connect with people, challenge oneself, improve your team, and develop better ideas. In his book “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions,” he shares the questions he asks himself and the ones he believes leaders should ask their teams.

Some questions Maxwell suggests leaders should ask themselves include:

  • What are the top skills required to lead people through difficult times?
  • How do I get started in leadership?
  • How do I motivate an unmotivated person?
  • How can I succeed working under poor leadership?
  • When is the right time for a leader to move on to a new position?

In mentorship or skip-level sessions, Maxwell recommends asking:

  • What is the greatest lesson you have learned?
  • What are you learning now?
  • How has failure shaped your life?
  • Who do you know whom I should know?
  • What have you read that I should read?
  • What have you done that I should do?

Maxwell also believes in the importance of self-examination as a leader. He suggests leaders should continually ask themselves what they are doing and why they are doing it to stay on track and reach their potential.

In addition to these, Maxwell also suggests leaders ask their team members questions to understand their perspectives and ideas better. This practice not only cultivates humility but also helps in connecting people.

John C. Maxwell emphasizes asking questions for personal growth, team development, and effective leadership. He believes that good leaders ask great questions that inspire others to dream more, think more, learn more, do more, and become more.

The importance of professional development and perspectives in business

Asking leaders questions about their professional development and perspectives is crucial for several reasons.

Uncovering valuable lessons

Leaders typically have years of experience and knowledge, which means they have valuable insights into various topics. By asking questions, you can learn from their experiences and gain a fresh approach to understanding issues and solving problems.

Building networks

Asking questions is a great way to establish connections. A meaningful conversation with a leader can lead to a positive relationship, expand your professional network, and potentially secure you as a mentor.

Demonstrating intelligence

By asking the right questions, leaders can tell you are thoughtful and intelligent. It indicates that you are intellectually curious and have taken time to prepare.

Solving current problems

Leaders may share similar problems they have faced and how they solved them, which can help you solve your problems.

Aiding in career development

Engaging with leaders exposes you to new knowledge that can significantly boost your career. Asking the right question can lead to quality mentorship and allow you to impress the leader.

Driving success and innovation

The ability to ask the right questions is a fundamental skill that drives innovation and success. By asking insightful and relevant questions, managers can uncover hidden opportunities, solve complex problems, enhance communication and collaboration, drive continuous improvement, and align business strategy.

Promoting a learning culture

Asking questions encourages critical thinking, facilitates effective communication, and encourages a culture of learning and growth within an organization.

Enhancing communication and collaboration

Asking the right questions promotes effective communication and collaboration within an organization. By encouraging dialogue and active listening, leaders can create an environment where employees feel valued and empowered to share their ideas and insights.

Driving continuous improvement

Great questions are integral to driving continuous improvement within an organization. By questioning existing processes, managers can identify areas for optimization and implement necessary changes.

Aligning business strategy

Asking the right questions to ask leaders helps managers align business strategy by clarifying goals, defining key performance indicators, and evaluating progress.

What are some good questions to ask a leader?

Some good questions to ask a leader include the following:

  • How do you define success in your role?
  • How do you handle conflict within your team?
  • What is your approach to decision-making?

What are fun questions to ask a CEO?

Asking CEOs fun questions can lead to further insights into why they lead the way they do. Some fun questions for CEOs include:

  • If you could have dinner with one historical figure, who would it be and why?
  • What book are you currently reading?
  • If you were not a CEO, what would you be doing?

What are the top 5 powerful questions?

The top five most powerful questions you can ask a leader are:

  1. What is the most significant risk you have taken, and what was the outcome?
  2. What was your biggest failure, and how did you take it?
  3. How do you ensure your values align with your actions as a leader?
  4. If you could change one aspect of your leadership style, what would it be and why?
  5. How do you balance meeting company performance metrics and goals with the needs and well-being of your team?


Asking the right questions can provide a wealth of insights into the complexities of leadership. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or leader or a seasoned professional, these questions can help you understand the thought processes, strategies, and experiences that shape effective leadership.

The most important questions to ask a great leader include inquiries about their sources of inspiration and mentorship, the most impactful decisions they make, how they encourage creativity, and how they align their organization’s activities with its core values.

It is also crucial to ask about the biggest challenges facing them and how they overcome them, their primary motivations, strengths and weaknesses, and the most challenging decisions they have made.

Other vital questions involve their definition of leadership, their leadership style, the most significant risks they have taken, and the traits they believe every leader should possess. Lastly, asking for advice for someone stepping into a leadership role for the first time can provide invaluable insights that shape a career.

An MBA in Creative Enterprise might be the program for you

Leadership in the twenty-first century is evolving at a lightning-fast pace. MBA programs with leadership courses that are even three or four years old will find themselves outpaced by emerging trends. Meridian University’s MBA in Creative Enterprise program includes numerous leading-edge courses that focus on developing both the personal and professional leader. Further, these courses combine systems competencies that provide a more holistic strategic leadership perspective and approach.

Comparing MBA programs when considering a graduate business degree is essential. You must ensure that the leadership topics you discuss will be relevant when you graduate. If you want to learn more about Meridia University’s MBA in Creative Enterprise, contact an Admissions Advisor or apply online today!


Hagel, J., III (2021, January 8). Good Leadership Is About Asking Good Questions. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from

MacMillan, I. (2001, April 25). What Makes a Good Entrepreneurial Leader? Ask Middle Managers. Knowledge at Wharton. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from

Ready, D. (2019, March 6). Why Great Leaders Focus On Mastering Relationships. MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from

Questions to Ask Leaders: The Secrets of Effective Leadership | Meridian University (2024)


Questions to Ask Leaders: The Secrets of Effective Leadership | Meridian University? ›

How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization? Where do the great ideas come from in your organization? Which is most important to your organization—mission, core values or vision? How do you or other leaders in your organization communicate the core values?

What questions should I ask a leader about leadership? ›

How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization? Where do the great ideas come from in your organization? Which is most important to your organization—mission, core values or vision? How do you or other leaders in your organization communicate the core values?

What are good questions to ask a VP? ›

To help you get started, here are 15 top questions to ask leaders you respect:
  • Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship? ...
  • What is one decision you wish you didn't make? ...
  • How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and obstacles? ...
  • What are the most important attributes of successful leaders today?
Jul 31, 2023

What is the secret of effective leadership? ›

Effective leaders help their team members overcome the uncertainty of change. The best leaders encourage their teams to change by encouraging innovation and risk-taking. But they also help their teams navigate through uncertainty when change is thrust upon them.

What are the five powerful questions? ›

5 Powerful Questions Every People Manager Needs to Know and Use
  • What do you think? Not rocket science is it? ...
  • What makes you think this? ...
  • Can you tell me more? ...
  • How can I support you with this? ...
  • What do you think are the next steps?

What are some focus group questions about leadership? ›

What does leadership mean to you? What is the difference, if any, between management and leadership? What are some of the key behaviors and actions you took whenever you've been at your own best as a leader? Describe the key actions and behaviors of the person that you've experienced as your best leader?

What are some fun questions to ask a CEO? ›

Fun questions to ask your CEO
  • What has been your biggest learning since becoming a CEO?
  • Do you have a secret talent that no one knows about?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • How do you relax?
  • What was your first job?
  • What is the craziest thing you have done?
  • What gets you up in the morning.
  • What motivates you?

What to discuss with senior leaders? ›

Questions to ask senior executives: types and real examples
  • Questions about employee engagement.
  • Questions about strategy and performance.
  • Questions about company success vision.
  • Questions about team culture.
  • Questions about the importance of employee well-being.
  • Questions about career growth and development.
  • Fun questions.
Jul 10, 2023

What makes a great leader question? ›

A good leader should have integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, compassion, and resilience. They should be learning agile and flex their influence while communicating the vision, showing gratitude, and collaborating effectively.

What are good leading questions? ›

An example of a leading question could be: “How helpful did you find our excellent customer service?” This question assumes the service was excellent and leads the respondent to reflect positively.

What are good questions to ask CEO at an all hands meeting? ›

Below are 12 good questions you can ask your CEO:
  • How can I help? ...
  • What do you expect from your employees? ...
  • What is something you want to change about the company? ...
  • What does a typical work day for a CEO look like? ...
  • What do you do when you are outside the office? ...
  • What are you most proud of regarding the company?
Aug 15, 2024

What questions should I ask for feedback on leadership? ›

Here are some examples of good questions for your 360-degree leadership feedback survey: Communication skills: Does the leader effectively communicate their expectations and vision to the team? How does the leader listen and consider the input of team members?

What are the 5 P's of effective leadership? ›

Purity, pragmatism, positivity, patience, and passion are all qualities that contribute to great leadership in different ways. They are all essential qualities that enable leaders to guide their teams towards success.

What are the 4 C's of effective leadership? ›

Every leader makes mistakes. But many of them can be alleviated by the 4 C's of leadership — Competence, Candor, Connect, and Character. Use them effectively and you'll be a great leader.

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Those seven C's are competence, creativity, courage, communication, coaching, compass, and citizenship.

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“Can you share a personal experience that influenced your perspective on [topic]?” “What advice would you give to someone starting out in [field]?” “What's the most challenging aspect of [topic] and how do you overcome it?” “What do you believe are the key trends shaping the future of [industry]?”

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Can you describe your leadership style and how it has contributed to a positive school culture in the past? How do you approach curriculum development and assessment to ensure student success? How do you work with teachers and staff to support their professional growth and development?

What are good answers to leadership questions? ›

Tips for answering leadership interview questions
  • Situation: Start by establishing the situation and sharing any important details.
  • Task: Recount your specific task or responsibility.
  • Action: Describe, step by step, what you did to address the task or responsibility.
  • Result: End with the impact of your actions.
Apr 5, 2024


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.