Pathfinder / Pathfinder Society / Season 3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries
Paizo Inc. (based on 3 ratings)
Our Price: $19.99
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A Pathfinder Society Special designed for 1st- through 6th-level characters (subtiers 1-4 & 3-6).
Having made several recent forays into a set of unearthed ruins in the volcanic region of Droskar’s Crag, the Pathfinder Society has uncovered what could be an access point to the lost dwarven city of Raseri Kanton. Pathfinder agents from across Golarion have come to support the Society’s latest large-scale endeavor. However, the Aspis Consortium have also begun exploring the ruins, so it’s a race to see who can reach Raseri Kanton first!
This adventure can be played for credit twice, each time with a different PC, regardless of level range. Likewise, a GM can apply credit for running this adventure up to two times to a different PC in a level range of their choice.
Written by Rigby Bendele
Scenario tags: Exclusive, Glyph
Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription. It will be made available upon request to conventions with event support after Gen Con 2022 (August 4-7) and will go on sale to the general public in August of 2023.
[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]
The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on
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- Pathfinder (3,939)
- Paizo Inc (9,452)
- Gaming / Roleplaying Games (11,054)
- Pathfinder / Adventures (1,610)
- Pathfinder / Pathfinder Society / Season 3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (21)
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(based on 3 ratings)
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Solid, I suppose
umopapisdnupsidedown —
This was the first special I ever ran, and it's okay. I'd like to go back and give it another try, to see if it picks up a bit. It's solid, not really remarkable but not bad either. My players enjoyed it. I do wish there was more diversity of tasks and roleplay—areas where the newer special shines.
Pallid slog.
Quentin Coldwater —
(I GMed this at tier 1-2.)
This is one of the blandest specials I've ever ran/played. There's barely any story or RP, it's just "go in and kill stuff." There's barely any skill challenges, even. So with a scenario that's 90% combat, you'd better hope the combat's good, right? Nope. Maybe it's because I ran at tier 1-2 and perhaps the other tiers are better, but at this tier, enemies were very weak and underwhelming. Encounters felt really safe and I didn't get the feeling my players were in any danger at any point during the adventure. I honestly ran out of enthusiasm halfway through.
I'll give it two stars because it's functional and nothing outright bad, but there's nothing to actually recommend it.
Pallid special
Jason S —
Pallid is a combat scenario with some skill checks.
There is not much to say about this special. The story was very plain, there was no roleplay, it was very generic.
At subtier 5-6, the combats were extremely easy and the scenario was extremely forgiving on taking rest breaks. There was no danger whatsoever, but maybe that’s what was needed after a long hiatus from Pathfinder. The combat was likely super easy because the scenario was made for levels 3-4 and then adjusted for 5-6 by adding more weak mooks.
Overall: Generic, easy going combat fest that won’t ruffle any feathers. (4/10)
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Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator | Mar 17, 2022, 01:01 pm |
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Now announced! Please note that this interactive special will premiere at Gen Con 2022 (August 4-7). It will be made available upon request to conventions with event support after Gen Con 2022 and will go on sale to the general public in August of 2023.
Tech5bb | Mar 17, 2022, 06:59 pm |
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Seriously, the PFS special for end of Year 3 is tier 1-6? we are getting 1 scenario (so far) above level 8, what Golarion shattering problem is a level 6 going to solve while levels 7+ sit in limbo.... Ive got so many characters hovering around the 7-9 mark, are there any plans to support higher level play? im pretty sure that was a selling point when announcing PF2e? Guess it's back to running AP's
Tomppa | Mar 18, 2022, 02:12 am |
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tech5bb wrote:
Seriously, the PFS special for end of Year 3 is tier 1-6? we are getting 1 scenario (so far) above level 8, what Golarion shattering problem is a level 6 going to solve while levels 7+ sit in limbo....
However, the Aspis Consortium have also begun exploring the ruins, so it’s a race to see who can reach Raseri Kanton first!
... Doesn't sound like a Golarion shattering problem, which is good. The "save the world, every year, same time, same place!" was getting super dull.
Ive got so many characters hovering around the 7-9 mark, are there any plans to support higher level play? im pretty sure that was a selling point when announcing PF2e? Guess it's back to running AP's
Cavern of the sundered Song is 9-12, the tomb between the worlds is up to level 8, secluded siege is up to level 8, #3-17: Dreams of a Dustbound Isle and #3-19: Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom* are level 5-8 and 7-10 respectively (from the blog where metaplot arcs are mentioned). I wouldn't be surprised if we got another during this year, but it's understandable that there will always be more low level content and less high level content, given how characters level up (and to prevent new players from getting excluded).
Also, weirdly, I don't think this is supposed to be "end of the year special". I think 2e moved away from that - the first special we got was "end of the year" (numbered 2-00), the next one we got was just a special with no ties to the metaplot (3-99). This one is numbered 3-98 and seems to be just a third part in a series of otherwise non-descript, non-metaplot scenarios. I really like this new direction because it dissipates the FOMO on the "start of the year special" and there's also no pressure to participate "just to see how the metaplot ended!" but it's still tied to (some of) the published scenarios instead of being completely independent (unlike 3-99). I really hope to see more of these going forward.
Mike Kimmel Pathfinder Society Developer | Mar 18, 2022, 08:55 am |
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Correct: this is not a metaplot scenario. It's unrelated to the events of the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries, and unrelated to the events of Year 4. The conclusion to the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries is PFS Scenario #3-19, which is for levels 7–10.
Rigby and Thursty are putting together a super fun adventure for us. Jump in and enjoy it!
NECR0G1ANT | Mar 23, 2022, 08:30 pm |
3 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
How did folks like the other Pallid scenarios?
They're both fine, perfectly serviceable scenarios. You don't need to play them both or in order, but it's nice to do so. The Dwarven Pantheon features prominently.
What I like about them is that they both feature Pathfinder Society Field Agents exploring an site of archaeological significance. That's a lot less common then you might think.
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator | Aug 26, 2022, 09:37 am |
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The repeatability rules for this special have been updated on this page to the following:
This adventure can be played for credit twice, each time with a different PC, regardless of level range. Likewise, a GM can apply credit for running this adventure up to two times to a different PC in a level range of their choice.
Kyrand | Sep 6, 2022, 04:24 am |
The Hill Crusher wrote:
Just wanted to clarify, this is for 2 subtiers, not 3 like previous specials?
While the files are split into 1-4 and 3-6, this is only for GM convenience, so they don't have to print as much. Unlike previous specials, the "subtiers" do not affect if\how it can be replayed, per Alex's post.
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator | Oct 13, 2022, 09:07 am |
4 people marked this as a favorite.
This adventure has been updated based on feedback from initial playthroughs. A full changelog is below; this will contain spoilers! Please use this updated version for future playthroughs.
- Act 1: location successes should now overflow to other bars. Time decreased to 130 minutes. Fortification meter thresholds are changing to 2/3x, 1x and 1 1/3x tables. (yes, this means that Aspis 2 and Fortification 2 trigger at the same time)
- Aspis events 2 and 3 are swapping so that event 2 is the hazard and event 3 is the second combat.
- Act 2: success thresholds are changing to 2/3x tables (including the Aspis successes). Act 2 is now 120 minutes total, moving to the final combat after 60 minutes.
- Adding the repeatable text from the product page (this will also be added to SFS 4-99)
- Fixing some minor errors (missing instructions to report a Temple Success in Act 2, copy/paste error on page 13)
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